Read this if you drink coffee...

...How I “Boosted My Coffee” by Adding 3 Popular Nutritional Supplements, to Get Greater Focus, Energy & Mental Clarity...
FREE PDF report, delivered by email, reveals the exact ingredients I use, together with dosages, recommended suppliers, and a video that shows you how to mix them, so you too may enjoy the potential benefits...
Studies suggest the ingredients in my AlphaJoe Coffee Booster may...
  • Increase focus, energy levels & mental clarity
  • Improve mood, mental acuity, and cognitive function
  • And much more... (links to research below)
I’m Will Brink and for almost 30 years I’ve worked as a consultant to some of the biggest names in the sports and performance nutrition business. I also love coffee...

...So I decided to combine my love for coffee with knowledge of performance nutrition and create a “supplement mix” that I add to my coffee, to create what I personally believe may be the healthiest coffee ever.

I use three highly researched and tested ingredients (I’m sure you will have heard of them), mixed in a specific ratio, which work synergistically together and have a long list of documented potential benefits which include: improved cognitive function, increased mental acuity, higher energy levels, and many others.

I’ve been sharing my “recipe” - which I decided to call my “AlphaJoe Coffee Booster” - on my website for about a decade and the feedback has been incredible including from doctors, police, military, and pro-athletes (see a few examples of feedback below).

You can either purchase pre-mixed AlphaJoe Coffee Booster directly from me, or make it yourself... it’s really easy... in fact many of my readers have been making it themselves for years.

So, if you’d like to know what the three ingredients are, what ratio I mix them in, and see all the feedback, as well as the links to the science, research, and data sources, that I used to create my “coffee booster mix”... you can do your own homework, make it yourself if you want to, and enjoy the potential benefits… just click the button, then enter your email below and I’ll happily send you an email with all the details.

Will Brink

"Will is a published author, industry consultant and highly respected expert on nutrition, supplements, health, fitness, longevity... as well as a highly regarded trainer of top levels athletes, police, and military personnel."

Feedback on my AlphaJoe Coffee Booster Mix

(The feedback shown below is taken from my main website. When you receive your free PDF report, I'll include all the links to all the feedback I've received complete with videos, comments, and trustpilot reviews)

“…I felt alert, awake… I need more Will…”

Ash Hess

Retired US Army Senior NCO, competitive shooter, and co-founder of Quantified Performance.

“New nootropic… positive brain effect… Helps you have laser focus and get things done… tastes great… I give it a thumbs up!”

Dr. Michael Dusa

Author at Health Longevity and president at MTFU Longevity.

“Will, I think what you've done from a health perspective is actually the best thing I've seen”

Dr. Udo Erasmus

Health and wellness industry pioneer, best selling author and creator of Udo's oil and other other highly regarded health formulas

“Fantastic product… I use it consistently especially when I need an extra boost… I notice reduced fatigue and shorter recovery times… I can't say enough good things about it”

Stefhan Bennett

Full-time, active police officer for over 25 years and founder of

“You killed it Will… I'm excited about the anti-aging and extra energy. If you love coffee you should check this out… I'm going to start drinking this every day…”

Andressa Lopes

Brazilian fashion model.

“Thankyou Will… love it… so excited!”

Monica Brant

IFBB professional figure competitor, former Ms. Fitness Olympia, cover model, nutrition consultant.

Enter Your Email Below To Receive Your FREE PDF Report

 Get instant access to step-by-step instructions on how to make my AlphaJoe Coffee Booster. Your FREE report includes the 3 proven ingredients, best suppliers, the dosages and ratios I mix them in, together with all the feedback and links to the science, research, and data sources that I used to create my “coffee booster mix”... 

 We always protect your data and respect your privacy


(1) Cocoa:
- Flavonoid-rich cocoa consumption affects multiple cardiovascular risk factors in a meta-analysis of short-term studies. J Nutr. 2011 Nov;141(11):1982-8.
- Effects of low habitual cocoa intake on blood pressure and bioactive nitric oxide: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2007 Jul 4;298(1):49-60.
- Chocolate consumption and cardiometabolic disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2011 Aug 26;343:d4488.
- Effects of chocolate, cocoa, and flavan-3-ols on cardiovascular health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Mar;95(3):740-51.
- The neuroprotective effects of cocoa flavanol and its influence on cognitive performance. Br J Clin Pharmacol. Mar 2013; 75(3): 716–727.
- Impact of alkalization on the antioxidant and flavanol content of commercial cocoa powders. J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Sep 24;56(18):8527-33.
- Dark Chocolate Intake Positively Modulates Redox Status and Markers of Muscular Damage in Elite Football Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Study
- Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Volume 2018, Article ID 4061901, 10 pages

(2) Tyrosine:
- Tyrosine reverses a cold-induced working memory deficit in humans. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1994 Apr;47(4):935-41
- Tyrosine improves cognitive performance and reduces blood pressure in cadets after one week of a combat training course. Brain Res Bull 1999 Jan 15;48(2):203-9
- Effect of tyrosine on cognitive function and blood pressure under stress. Brain Res Bull 1994;33(3):319-23
- Tyrosine improves working memory in a multitasking environment. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1999 Nov;64(3):495-500
- The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness. Aviat Space Environ Med 1995 Apr;66(4):313-9
- Tyrosine and its potential use as a countermeasure to performance decrement in military sustained operations. Aviat Space Environ Med 1992 May;63(5):364-9

(3) Creatine:
- Effects of creatine on mental fatigue and cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation. Neurosci Res. 2002 Apr;42(4):279-85.
- Creatine supplementation and cognitive performance in elderly individuals. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 2007 Sep;14(5):517-28.
- The influence of creatine supplementation on the cognitive functioning of vegetarians and omnivores. Br J Nutr. 2011 Apr;105(7):1100-5.
- Oral creatine monohydrate supplementation improves brain performance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial. Proc Biol Sci. 2003 Oct 22;270(1529):2147-50.
- Creatine supplementation, sleep deprivation, cortisol, melatonin and behavior. Physiol Behav. 2007 Jan 30;90(1):21-8.
- Dietary supplement creatine protects against traumatic brain injury. Ann Neurol. 2000 Nov;48(5):723-9.
Further reading:
- For a more detailed explanation on the science behind the ingredients in AlphaJoe Coffee Booster you can also read my article here on my main Brinkzone website:
- I've also written several other articles on Creatine like this one, which I think you may find interesting:
- I also wrote an article covering many of the potential health benefits of Creatine for the acclaimed Life Extension Magazine: 

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