Take your coffee experience to an 11... with scientifically supported ingredients, that can increase energy, focus, mood & more!

"After almost 30 years as a consultant to some of the biggest names in sports and performance nutrition business, I decided to offer my own product, combining my love for coffee with my passion for science, offering a science-backed coffee booster: producing what may be the healthiest coffee ever... 

"...Simply add a scoop of my 'AlphaJoe Coffee Booster' to your regular coffee and it's possible to enjoy improved cognitive function, increased mental acuity, higher energy levels, and many other potential benefits of this unique blend...

"...and all for just $1.33 a day with my special offer."

Will Brink

Leading Nutrition and Sports Supplement Expert.

"After almost 30 years as a consultant to some of the biggest names in sports and performance nutrition business, I decided to offer my own product, combining my love for coffee with my passion for science, offering a science-backed coffee booster: producing what may be the healthiest coffee ever... 

"...Simply add a scoop of my 'AlphaJoe Coffee Booster' to your regular coffee and it's possible to enjoy improved cognitive function, increased mental acuity, higher energy levels, and many other potential benefits of this unique blend...

"...and all for just $1.33 a day with my special offer."

Will Brink

Leading Nutrition and Sports Supplement Expert.

Special offer... *Save 20%* Plus FREE Shipping
(only 1000 available)

Order Your 30 Day Supply Now

Each container is a month supply of AlphaJoe Coffee Booster. I recommend one scoop per day mixed with your coffee.
Regular price $49.95
Special discounted offer (save 20%), only $39.95
+ FREE shipping (only 1000 available)
Hi, Will Brink here,

If you're a coffee lover, like me, who thinks there’s no sunshine without coffee... and the type of person that is always looking for something to give you an extra "edge" to perform better during the day… then I think you're going to love this.

Read on and I'll explain how I created a "coffee-booster" formulated from 3 science based synergistic ingredients, mixed in a specific ratio, with a long list of potential benefits that will "take your coffee to an 11", potentially having a direct impact on the quality of your life as it has for me and many others who have been using it for over a decade.

On this page, I'm also going to...
  • Tell you exactly what the ingredients are, and all the incredible benefits that studies suggest they can do for you. No sleight of hand supplement industry nonsense, just real data... so you can be the judge.
  • ​Give you the link to the actual recipe and the recommended suppliers to buy them from, (the quality can vary massively between suppliers).
  • ​Give you the links to the full science behind why I chose these ingredients, so you can do your own research.
  • ​And even point you to the YouTube videos I made that show you how to prepare it yourself step-by-step.
In addition to all that, I'll give you more details about me (so you can decide whether or not you want to listen to what I say) and I'll show you some feedback from a whole bunch of people, including doctors, police and military personnel, and pro-athletes, who use and love AlphaJoe Coffee Booster.

So, relax because I have no intention of trying to convince you to buy anything...

...I'm simply going to explain everything, and then if you want to... you can either go and make AlphaJoe Coffee Booster yourself or...  

...if you prefer, you can save a little time, money, and effort, and buy my pre-made coffee booster mix, so you don't have to do the "hard work" yourself of buying and mixing the ingredients.

Either way works for me. I’ll supply the info, you do what works for you. 

So let me explain... 

...How I took my coffee "to an 11"

For three decades I have been well-known among both the general health/fitness-oriented community, and the scientific/medical community as a source of accurate, objective, and unbiased information on all things health and fitness. 

I have been published all over the world in print magazines in a dozen or more languages covering virtually every topic related to human health and performance, been asked to speak at conferences, as well as having been published in peer-reviewed medical/science journals and so forth.

And, as anyone who knows me will testify... I am passionate about enhancing human performance through optimum nutrition using science vs “bro science” or pseudo-science. 

I also love coffee. 

And, of course, if you've ever researched coffee, you'll probably be aware that coffee has very well documented health benefits.  

How do we improve and expand those benefits?  

That's the question I asked myself many years ago...

...Due to my love of good coffee, I have been researching and testing how to combine my knowledge of performance-enhancing supplements, together with coffee, to produce what I considered to be the absolute best coffee drink possible...  

...with the maximum number of all-around health benefits without sacrificing taste at all.  

In fact I wanted to make it taste even better! 

After lots of testing, I created "AlphaJoe Coffee Booster"...

(...and I gave away the recipe for a decade)

After extensive trial and error, I finally settled on 3 key ingredients that appear to have a highly synergistic effect with solid science to support their inclusion in my recipe.

They are: 

     1. Cocoa
     2. L-Tyrosine
     3. Creatine (Creapure)

...and with these key ingredients, I created what I originally called my "Bomb Proof Coffee" recipe. For over a decade I gave away the recipe via my main Brinkzone.com website (you can still get the recipe, all the research, and other related videos there, the link is below in the FAQ section).

Since then it has been used (almost) "religiously" by athletes (pro and amateur), military and law enforcement personnel, students, entrepreneurs, doctors, competitive gamers, and people from all walks of life, who have been adding it to their coffee by purchasing the ingredients separately and making their own mix... exactly as per my recipe. 

Not only did I give away the recipe (which I still do). I also gave strict recommendations on which suppliers to purchase from, because the quality of the ingredients matters... a lot. One area I have stressed for decades is the importance of sourcing ingredients and been highly critical of those companies I didn’t feel were ‘up to snuff’ in terms of sourcing, quality control, and or solid science.  

Not surprisingly, as time progressed and more people started using the formula, some started to ask the obvious question:  

"Hey Will, why don't you just make a version for us, pre-mixed in the correct ratio and doses, from the highest quality suppliers, then we don't have to buy everything separately and do it ourselves."  

So, after much deliberation, and plenty of procrastination over the last decade or so, I have finally decided to do it... and create an all-in-one formulation to save people the time and hassle of making the recipe from separate ingredients. 

I hand-picked who I consider the best suppliers and manufacturers of each ingredient, to ensure top quality, and I am very proud to say, created "AlphaJoe Coffee Booster." Heck, I even got on a plane to go physically visit the facility that produces it.  

Now, all you have to do is simply add one scoop of the AlphaJoe Coffee Booster into your coffee, (I also recommend you add a little coconut oil and a teaspoon of milk to help create an emulsion for improved taste and absorption, and then whisk it, so it looks like a cappuccino)...  

...It tastes great, it feels good, and both client feedback and documented research clearly indicate it’s good for you -- this is what I refer to as “the trifecta of win.” 

Not only have I removed all the hassle for you, and assured you the quality, the doses, and the ratios, but because of my magical powers of persuasion (mainly bribery and a little begging to be honest), I can now offer it to you at a price that is even less than it would cost you to buy the ingredients yourself separately. 

So, that’s a solid win/win in my estimation...  

...And, with my special discount, the price works out at just $1.33 a day. 

"So Will," I hear you ask... "What can AlphaJoe Coffee Booster actually do for me?"  

Obviously, I must include the standard disclaimer here that results may vary, and of course, I guarantee absolutely nothing, but what I can say is what all the readily available research (which is referenced at the foot of this page) clearly indicates... 

Studies suggest the ingredients in Alpha Joe Coffee Booster may...

  • Increase focus, energy & mental clarity
  • Help achieve “optimal performance” 
  • Improve cognitive function
  • ​Help reduce stress
  • ​Improve mental acuity
  • ​Protect brain function 
  • ​Assist in overall hormone health
  • ​Reduce muscle damage due to oxidative stress
  • ​Reduce blood pressure
  • ​Offer antiviral effects against flu
  • ​Improve insulin resistance
  • ​Help reduce cardiovascular disease & strokes
  • ​Boost your immune system
  • ​And much more...

So, what are the ingredients in AlphaJoe Coffee Booster?

1. Cocoa

Cocoa (the main ingredient in chocolate), is rich in various polyphenols (including flavonoids/flavanols) and other bioactive compounds such as amines, alkaloids, tyramine, magnesium, procyanidins, phenylethylamine, and N-acyl ethanolamines.

Cocoa has been shown to reduce blood pressure, improve insulin resistance, and improved endothelial function.

Cocoa also contains Epicatechin, a natural Myostatin Inhibitor which helps preserve muscle mass & strength as you age. May act as an “exercise mimetic” – boosting endurance & performance, and helps supports mitochondrial function & muscle regeneration.

A meta-analysis found that the highest levels of chocolate consumption were associated with a 37% reduction in cardiovascular disease, and a 29% reduction in stroke compared with the lowest level of intake, and that’s despite the sugar and fat content of chocolate; reduced insulin resistance and reduced serum insulin levels were associated with the chocolate consumption.

There are various studies that also suggest a direct cognitive benefit of cocoa ingestion as well as neuroprotection.

Finally, one recent study also found cocoa has broad-spectrum anti-viral effects against influenza. That’s just a short summary of the various potential benefits of cocoa. 
* Sources and citations at foot of page (1) Cocoa 

2. L-Tyrosine

Several studies done by the US Army found animals given supplemental L-Tyrosine were more resistant to cold temperatures than those not getting the amino acid. 

Studies with humans given supplemental L-Tyrosine have found improved cognitive function when subjected to cold temperatures.

Elite soldiers often go for days without sleep, which seriously compromises their mental acuity and performance. 

Several studies have found L-Tyrosine may be able to counteract some of the negative effects of prolonged sleeplessness on cognitive tasks and performance. 

As a further test of Tyrosine’s efficacy, 36 Navy SEALs ingested L-Tyrosine during Winter Warfare training. Either tyrosine or a placebo was consumed by the men, who were then exposed to temperatures as low as -10° F. 

The study found L-Tyrosine prevented the decline in mental acuity common to extreme cold conditions in the group of SEALS receiving the supplement. 

Many athletes have found it to be helpful as a pre-workout stimulant, as well as students, businessmen, etc., in need of improved mental acuity.
* Sources and citations at foot of page (2) L-Tyrosine

3. Creatine

A naturally occurring organic acid known as creatine has long been used by athletes to boost their performance and build muscle strength without steroids. 

But emerging research is showing that creatine also has important anti-aging effects in vital tissues throughout the body.

As we age, the unique benefits of creatine become more pronounced. From protection against cognitive decline & congestive heart failure to reducing insulin levels and shielding against muscle loss, creatine enhances mitochondrial function which helps reduce the effects of aging.

In tests, creatine-supplemented animals also performed significantly better on neurobehavioral testing. 

In fact, creatine is now being hailed by experts as “a starting point" for a novel means of delaying neurodegenerative disease, and/or strengthening memory function & intellectual capabilities. 

Because of creatine’s vital impact on your body’s energy levels, it should be considered for anyone interested in slowing aging, improving energy levels, and fighting off age-related diseases.
* Sources and citations at foot of page (3) Creatine 
Further reading: For a more detailed explanation on the science behind the ingredients in AlphaJoe Coffee Booster you can also read my article here on my main Brinkzone website: https://brinkzone.com/the-science-of-bomb-proof-coffee/ 

Here's The AlphaJoe Coffee Booster Label

Who am I, Will Brink?

...and why you may want to listen to me. (For some reason I wrote the following in the third-person.)

"Will is a published author, industry consultant, and highly respected expert on nutrition, supplements, health, fitness, longevity... as well as a highly regarded trainer of top levels athletes, police, and military personnel."

Will Brink graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences and has been a writer, scientific researcher, consultant to supplement companies, and trainer for 20 years relating to health/fitness and performance. He has co-authored several studies relating to sports nutrition and health and published them in peer-reviewed academic journals.

He is the author of six books; Priming The Anabolic Environment: A practical and Scientific Guide to the Art and Science of Building Muscle, Bodybuilding Revealed, Fatloss Revealed, The Sports Supplement Bible, The Skinny on Diet Supplements,  and P.A.S.T. (Practical Applied Stress Training) for Tactical Law Enforcement.

He has served as an NPC judge and as a Ms. Fitness USA judge. Will has helped many top-level bodybuilders and fitness contestants through all facets of pre-contest and off-season training. He has worked with athletes ranging from professional golfers, runners, and baseball players and has worked with developing functional fitness courses for police and military personnel.

In 2007, he developed OptimalSWAT P.A.S.T. to fill the void for job-applicable functional training for Military and Law Enforcement communities in the United States. This program became so popular that BrinkZone F.I.T was created in 2008 to address the needs of those who were looking for training that was life applicable.
In 2009 he developed and instructed the course Advanced Applied Stress Shooting I & II that was offered spring and fall of 2009 at The Smith & Wesson Training Academy in Springfield, MA.

In the past 20 years Will has been published in a wide variety of publications in several languages, including Muscle Insider, Muscle Media, MuscleMag International, Lets Live, Muscle n Fitness, Life Extension magazine, Townsend Letter for Doctors, IronMan, Inside Karate, Exercise for Men Only, Physical, Power, Body International, Oxygen, Penthouse, Fitness RX, Big, Corpo Sano, Knight Stick...

...and many others, as well as being featured in SOF-related publications such as Special Operations Technology (SOTECH).

Many of his articles and interviews can be found on many internet websites such as LEF.org, Testosterone.net, NavySeals.com, ThinkMuscle.com, MuscleMonthly.com, as well as many others, including his own BrinkZone.com.

Throughout his career, Will has worked with many supplement, pharmaceutical, and dairy companies to design nutritional supplements/products, improve existing product lines, assist with retail strategies of these products in fitness, bodybuilding, longevity, or other markets, as well as web-centric strategies

"Will has also worked with law enforcement, emergency response teams/SWAT and military, providing training and nutritional advice to help maintain peak performance."

Guaranteed quality, purity, and potency

If you check out the original recipe on my BrinkZone website (link in FAQs below) you'll see I even recommend specific suppliers of each of the three ingredients, and that's because the quality, purity, and potency of the ingredients are critical. That does not mean those were the only companies to purchase the ingredients, but they are companies I know personally to source or produce excellent quality.

Not all supplements are created equal, in fact, the difference can be huge. The difference in sources, quality control, third-party testing, and so forth can and does range considerably between companies, and I personally use or recommend just a handful. 

Luckily for you, I know the supplement industry inside out, and that means you don't have to worry... I assure you the ingredients inside my AlphaJoe Coffee Booster are those I personally use, from the suppliers and manufacturers I know assure extremely high quality.

Try it... 100% Risk-Free.

If you're not quite sure you "believe" the information on this page, or all the data, studies, science, references, personal stories, user feedback (see below), and years of easily available, verifiable research on the three key ingredients in AlphaJoe Coffee Booster...

...then why not try it completely risk-free, and see if you feel any benefits.

I am going to put my money where my mouth (and all the data) is... and give you a no-nonsense, 100% money-back guarantee.

If for any reason, or no reason at all, you decide AlphaJoe is not for you, then all you have to do is send the container back to me within 30 days and I'll give you a 100% refund, no questions asked... 

...Heck, I'll even refund your money if the container is completely empty, which means you can literally try AlphaJoe completely risk-free. I'm so confident you'll love it, that I'll happily take all the risk for you.

Act NOW and get a 20% discount Plus FREE Shipping
(Just $1.33/day - Only 1000 available)

I only had 2000 (2 batches of 1000 each) containers of AlphaJoe Coffee Booster "30-day-supply" created in my first production run, to see how they would sell... and they sold out quickly! 

So I've had another batch made, and have decided to offer a 20% discount on this second batch of AlphaJoe as well. 

Assuming these also sell out, which I believe they will fairly quickly... based on the sales already made, feedback, customer reviews, and the interest generated on my BrinkZone website, and Facebook page... then obviously I will have more made... 

...However, with the recent supply chain issues, and price hikes in raw materials, it's inevitable that I'll have to increase the price of AlphaJoe on future batches, and I obviously won't be able to continue to offer free shipping forever. 

...So the only way to assure you get yours now, at the discounted price, is to order right away. 

What do people think about AlphaJoe Coffee Booster?

"...I felt alert, awake... I need more Will..."

Ash Hess
Retired US Army Senior NCO, competitive shooter, and co-founder of Quantified Performance.

"Fantastic product... I use it consistently especially when I need an extra boost... I notice reduced fatigue and shorter recovery times... I can't say enough good things about it"

Stefhan Bennett 
Full-time, active police officer for over 25 years and founder of PoliceCoffee.com 

"Will, I think what you've done from a health perspective is actually the best thing I've seen"

Dr. Udo Erasmus
Health and wellness industry pioneer, best selling author and creator of Udo's oil and other other highly regarded health formulas

"Flavor is absolutely amazing... better alternative to a normal coffee... Good for muscle stamina and cognitive function... I feel more awake and more alive, more focus... keeps your body functioning at optimum level... I highly recommend it"

Kelly Lynn
IFBB Pro and nationwide show prep coach.

"Thankyou Will... love it... so excited!"

Monica Brant
IFBB professional figure competitor, former Ms. Fitness Olympia, cover model, nutrition consultant.

"...enhances my day... there is science behind this coffee recipe... I have been enjoying this for years now..."

"Being a coffee drinker for many years, I was interested in the promotion of Will's 'Bomb Proof Coffee' (now AlphaJoe Coffee Booster). There are certainly a lot of videos on YouTube promoting a similar product, and as usual, most of them are entirely bogus! But not Will Brink's.

There is science behind his recommendation for this beverage. I have been enjoying his recipe for some years now. I would add that I am rather old, approaching my 77th year, but having said that, I certainly don't feel old

My mind is still sharp, coordination and physical abilities extremely good. Strength is still good, but obviously not what I had as a young man. I would add at this stage, that I have been training with weights for 55 years, about 35 years an active powerlifter, achieving 2nd, 3rd, 5th places in world championships. 

Unfortunately that 1st place was just too elusive. I still have the same passion for training as I had then, only now I train with weights and do not lift them. 

Does this coffee product enhance one's day? I think it does! I practice intermittent fasting, so after a hiatus of 14 hours (only drinking water if required) I'm certainly ready for a mug of very enjoyable coffee first thing in the morning enthused with Mr. Brink ingredients. 

My other 5/6 cups of coffee a day are espresso, black, strong, no sugar or milk in a French coffee cup, in place of the mug Mr. Brink habitually uses! 
Howard Moore 
35 years as an active powerlifter

"You killed it Will... I'm excited about the anti-aging and extra energy. If you love coffee you should check this out... I'm going to start drinking this every day..."

Andressa Lopes
Brazilian fashion model.

"...immediately noticed more focus and sustained attention on the task at hand..."

"I really enjoy this coffee recipe. I have been drinking my coffee black for years and immediately noticed more focus and sustained attention on the task at hand when I first tried AlphaJoe Coffee Booster.

The best part is the taste, the chocolate and coconut go very nice together. The fact that the ingredients have been shown in studies to improve health markers & protect against certain diseases is a big benefit. Thank you Will for taking the time to research & craft this amazing drink. "
Jerry Jackson
Bomb Proof Coffee (now AlphaJoe Coffee Booster) Drinker

"New nootropic... positive brain effect... Helps you have laser focus and get things done... tastes great... I give it a thumbs up!"

Dr. Michael Dusa
Author at Health Longevity and president at MTFU Longevity.

"...I noticed changes immediately where focus and mental acuity were involved... Papers and studying became somewhat easier... Training got better too... Thanks Will"

"Will has been extolling AlphaJoe for years but I only read, and tried it, when I was in need. I was in the mist of being back in school getting my nursing degree while working full time. Between clinical rotations, papers, work and studying for exams I was in rough shape. Will stated it may help mental acuity and focus. He had the science so I figured what the hell.

Let’s start with the taste. The changes in taste for AlphaJoe from regular dark roast are awesome. The slight hint of nuttiness from the coconut oil are awesome when mixed with the Dutch chocolate. Creatine and tyrosine add no flavors at all. I've tried each ingredient separately to assess the changes from each. Great taste from the coconut oil and chocolate even from our drip brewed coffee maker. 

I noticed changes immediately where focus and mental acuity were involved. Papers and studying became somewhat easier. Instead of feeling like I was in a sleep-deprived fog I was able to hunker down more easily and organize my school work for the day. Information would stick a little better etc. 

Training got better too as a side benefit. It doesn’t seem like much, but even adding in a few paltry grams of creatine, ½ the tiny scoop per day, in my X-large mug ended up helping my workouts strength and the feeling of fullness. 

I hadn't used creatine since the bodybuilding bulking days and it is a trip down memory lane every time I go to the gym. To learn in the past few years it helps neurocognitive function too is only an added bonus.

Anecdotal I know but I'll always think AlphaJoe helped with a few tenths of my 4.0 BSN degree. I still drink a lot of coffee but that first big mug per day is usually AlphaJoe when I have all my ingredients stocked up. It’s been a great addition to my morning routine. Thanks, Will for the AlphaJoe recipe!
Matt DuFresne
RN BSN, Psychiatric Nursing, 1985 Teenage Mr. America, 1988 Mr. USA,1989 Mr. America and NABBA Mr. Universe

"...tastes great, definitely increases my focus and energy... I now recommend it to my patients..."

"One thing I do like in the morning is a good cup of coffee. To me, it is a symbol of the beginning of a good day. It is also known that a dose of caffeine is a good thing for our brain function. 

I’ve tried many different types of coffee and natural additives to 'kick start' my energy and focus. So far, there is nothing better than a product called AlphaJoe. 

AlphaJoe contains 3 natural ingredients that are added to a cup of coffee. It tastes great and, definitely increases my focus and energy more than other products I have tried over the years. 

I now have been recommending AlphaJoe to my morning coffee-drinking patients. They report that it does the same for them as it does for me."
Richard Gaines MD 
Chief Medical Officer LifeGaines Medical & Aesthetics Boca Raton, FL. 

"...Better mood, better focus... Calm energy boost, no anxiety... no jitters... lost 13 lbs with the extra cardio... helped me a lot... tastes like hot coco... I absolutely love it..."

Isabelle Turell
IFBB pro athlete, philosopher, and world traveler.

"...helps me get through my workouts"

"My name is Rich and I am an AlphaJoe Coffee maker and drinker. I workout 7 days a week for a total of 18-20 hrs. I have AlphaJoe every other day before my workouts start on an empty stomach. 

 I truly think the coffee helps me get through my workouts. I am retired so no job to worry about, the workouts are my job. I would drink one every day if there was a product out there that I could scoop out of its container add coffee and go. My hope is Will is going to make that happen soon."     
Bomb Proof Coffee (now AlphaJoe Coffee Booster) Drinker

"...intense increase in focus almost immediately... 5 stars"

"After trying my sample of AlphaJoe Coffee Booster, I noticed an intense increase in focus almost immediately. As well, it seemed to reduce my appetite. 

I view this as a very useful product that is both easy to use and convenient. The taste is very good and it mixes smoothly. 5 Stars for this product!” 
Tom Furman
Author of Armor of War and Combat Rok - tomfurman.com

"There was a clear difference in my capacity to focus with AlphaJoe... I cannot recommend this product strongly enough"

"I was introduced to the world of Will Brink by a former client about a dozen or so years ago and have been an avid follower since. 

As a Psychologist I understand the important contributions of healthy nutrition and exercise to an individual’s emotional well-being. 

Alpha Joe coffee supplement is Will’s latest creation which promotes not just a healthy body but now a healthy mind as well.

As a Psychologist working in this new world of Telemedicine, attention and focus are being taxed daily. The phenomena of “zoom fatigue” is real. Alpha Joe helps mitigate its effects. I don’t say this lightly. 

Aware of the “placebo effect”, I enlisted my wife's support to vary schedule of utilization unbeknownst to me. 

The results? There was a clear difference in my capacity to attend and focus on days when AlphaJoe was in play. I cannot recommend this product strongly enough."
Richard Bristol, Psy.D 
Licensed Psychologist

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship to?

For the moment we only ship to continental USA. We have literally just started selling AlphaJoe, and plan to expand as we grow. You can always use https://www.myus.com/ should you wish to have an order delivered internationally. 

How long will it take to ship to me?

Typically it's 3 to 4 working days.

Is there a money back guarantee if I'm not happy?

If you are in any way not satisfied with the quality of product, please send it back to us within 14 days, and we'll refund your purchase, no questions asked.

How much is the shipping fee?

When you click on the order form the latest shipping fees will be displayed, but right now for our launch you get FREE shipping on all orders (Continental US only).

If I want to make it myself instead of purchasing from you how do I do it?

If you go to this webpage on my Brinkzone.com blog https://brinkzone.com/bomb-proof-coffee/ you'll see all the information you need. I have been giving this recipe away for about a decade under the original name of "Bomb Proof Coffee". On this page you'll see the full science behind the ingredients, the recommended suppliers, and links to my own YouTube videos which show exactly how to make it, in the correct ratios. 

If you give away the recipe, why should I buy it from you?

Of course you can do whatever you want. Many people over the years asked me to create a pre-mixed version of AlphaJoe with the ingredients from my recommended suppliers (to ensure quality), which I've done. By purchasing AlphaJoe Coffee Booster from me you save you the time and effort to mix it yourself, you are assured of the best ingredients, and it actually works out to be a little cheaper than purchasing the ingredients separately. So, to summarize, you save time, effort and money. Not a bad deal :)

What are the ingredients and what is the gram dosage per serving?

Here are the ingredients and the gram dosage per serving is 3g creatine, 2g tyrosine, 2.5g cocoa = 7.5g serving per scoop

It's important to use the suppliers I recommend here for the best quality ingredients https://brinkzone.com/bomb-proof-coffee/ 

Do you have a video showing how to make it?

VIDEO 1) Here's the link to a video showing you how I make AlphaJoe from my own pre-mixed product: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gbNCeW49Q0

As you'll see I add coffee, AlphaJoe Coffee Booster mix, coconut oil, and a little milk, then mix it with a frother. And the results are the best tasting and most effective cup of AlphaJoe I have been able to make, (after many trials). I really urge you to try it like this. 

IMPORTANT: The small bottle of AlphaJoe I use in this video was one of my very first sample bottles, and I needed to add 2 scoops (you'll see it in the video) because the plastic scoop was smaller... when you order now you will receive 
the full production version of AlphaJoe, and you only need to use ONE scoop as the dose of your scoop is the full and correct dose.


VIDEO 2) And here's a video showing you how to make AlphaJoe of you want to buy the ingredients, mix it, and make it all yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLQuaCTkhIA -- this is how I did it for 10 years (when I called it Bomb Proof Coffee) before I decided to create and sell it all pre-mixed as my AlphaJoe Coffee Booster.

Does it really work?

I suggest you read the information on this page fully to see the benefits the ingredients can give and the feedback from some of the people who are using it. And don't forget this is not new. The three ingredients are very well researched and their benefits well documented. They are also synergistic, so they actually enhance each other. There are references at the foot of this page to all the research.  

Can I mix AlphaJoe with other drinks?

Absolutely, for example in the feedback section you'll see Monica Brant (IFBB professional figure competitor, former Ms. Fitness Olympia, cover model and nutrition consultant) mixes it with her tea. You can also add it to your protein shake. Personally I love coffee, so created it to enhance my favorite drink!

Is it safe?

The ingredients are creatine, l-tyrosine and cocoa. Please do your own research if you have any doubts about them. 

How do I know I can trust you?

I'm not inventing anything here. I have simply mixed three tried-and-tested nutritional supplements with years of studies, research and data behind them. I also purchase them from the very top suppliers to ensure quality, purity and potency. Then I mix them in a specific ratio. You don't even have to purchase the mix from me, you can go to my Brinkzone.com website here: https://brinkzone.com/bomb-proof-coffee/ and see all the information there, along with the complete recipe, free of charge. You'll see all you need to make AlphaJoe Coffee Booster yourself. (On my Brinkzone.com you'll see it all under the original name of "Bomb Proof Coffee").

Are there any side effects?

I cannot comment on side effects for every specific person. What I recommend you do, if you have any doubts is research the ingredients for yourself.

Can I order more than 1 container?

Yes. Once you've placed your initial order, on the next page you will be presented with the opportunity to order more.

How can I contact you?

Just send us an email to alphajoecoffee@gmail.com and we'll get right back to you. 

How many coffees can I make when I purchase 1 container?

Each container of AlphaJoe Coffee Booster a one month supply. My recommendation is 1 scoop per day. In my opinion that provides you with an ideal amount of each of the three ingredients. Personally I have one "AlphaJoe" per day and my other coffees are just regular ones.

Special offer... *Save 20%* Plus FREE Shipping
(only 1000 available)

Order Your 30 Day Supply Now

Each container is a month supply of AlphaJoe Coffee Booster. I recommend one scoop per day mixed with your coffee.
Regular price $49.95
Special discounted offer (save 20%), only $39.95
+ FREE shipping (only 1000 available)

(1) Cocoa:
- Flavonoid-rich cocoa consumption affects multiple cardiovascular risk factors in a meta-analysis of short-term studies. J Nutr. 2011 Nov;141(11):1982-8.
- Effects of low habitual cocoa intake on blood pressure and bioactive nitric oxide: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2007 Jul 4;298(1):49-60.
- Chocolate consumption and cardiometabolic disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2011 Aug 26;343:d4488.
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- Dark Chocolate Intake Positively Modulates Redox Status and Markers of Muscular Damage in Elite Football Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Study
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(2) Tyrosine: 
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- Effect of tyrosine on cognitive function and blood pressure under stress. Brain Res Bull 1994;33(3):319-23 
- Tyrosine improves working memory in a multitasking environment. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1999 Nov;64(3):495-500
- The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness. Aviat Space Environ Med 1995 Apr;66(4):313-9
- Tyrosine and its potential use as a countermeasure to performance decrement in military sustained operations. Aviat Space Environ Med 1992 May;63(5):364-9 

(3) Creatine: 
- Effects of creatine on mental fatigue and cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation. Neurosci Res. 2002 Apr;42(4):279-85. 
- Creatine supplementation and cognitive performance in elderly individuals. Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn. 2007 Sep;14(5):517-28. 
- The influence of creatine supplementation on the cognitive functioning of vegetarians and omnivores. Br J Nutr. 2011 Apr;105(7):1100-5. 
- Oral creatine monohydrate supplementation improves brain performance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial. Proc Biol Sci. 2003 Oct 22;270(1529):2147-50. 
- Creatine supplementation, sleep deprivation, cortisol, melatonin and behavior. Physiol Behav. 2007 Jan 30;90(1):21-8. 
- Dietary supplement creatine protects against traumatic brain injury. Ann Neurol. 2000 Nov;48(5):723-9.

Further reading:
- For a more detailed explanation on the science behind the ingredients in AlphaJoe Coffee Booster you can also read my article here on my main Brinkzone website: https://brinkzone.com/the-science-of-bomb-proof-coffee/ 
- I've also written several other articles on Creatine like this one, which I think you may find interesting: https://brinkzone.com/creatine-and-depression-review/
- I also wrote an article covering many of the potential health benefits of Creatine for the acclaimed Life Extension Magazine: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2014/7/creatine-reduces-markers-of-aging 
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